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Everything posted by docc

  1. Wait, what did you have to solder? The new switch did not just plug in?
  2. docc

    V 11 Tenni quest

    Wait, what? Early V11 Sport literature and press releases also said "White Power" shock, but none have ever been reported - only the Sachs-Boge with blue rebound adjuster and white spring. Earlier Sport 1100/ 1100 Sport had the White Power (maybe the Daytonas and Centauro, also? ) Do the Tenni have a Sachs-Boge? Or White Power rear shock?
  3. I accept the orange "jack handle cover" as a *subtle* message for me prompting the Coppa owner to use every known device to prevent the lovely V11 from falling on its face. The plywood solution is good thinking. I was considering simply welding a bigger disc to one end of the spindle. The Coppa owner is a clever, witty dude: "This glove's for you!"
  4. Hmmm - high and low beam both come through relay #2 with the horn, brake light, tach, and "warning" lights. Not sure how the "Euro" light switch changes the wiring. Not all of these are out? And by "flasher," you mean the turn signals and indicator? Common fault from all that: Ignition Switch. Have you had it apart for a look?
  5. docc

    V 11 Tenni quest

    I must admit I love the paint scheme; such a fine homage to the Carcano V8!
  6. I dearly love my V11 factory paddock/shop stand that props the sideplate nuts at the porkchop. It comes with a spindle ~8"x3" (~25cmx8cm) to prop the front of the sump. One day, having done this, and removed the front wheel, the bike (got) rolled an inch forward and dropped suddenly onto its forks! No harm done, but not good form. Forevermore, I've not used the flinky spindle that only has its end plate radius to resist tipping (~1 1/2"/ To wit: if the little wheels of the stand roll forward (or back) [bLUE ARROW], the spindly spindle [RED CIRCLE] will drop your darling on its face. Various methods have been devised to address this concern. Some may or may not entail treated lumber . . .
  7. They seem quite cozy there together!
  8. How tight? One and one-eighth turns after the (oiled) gasket touches. Second (fourth, fifth?) -hand bike needs a change? Drop the sump and take a good look. Some well-meaning chap may have cinched it with a hose clamp!
  9. docc

    V 11 Tenni quest

    what's this crazy talk?? Sacrilege, I'm sure!
  10. The TT15 has a Celestion Vintage 10 80th Anniversary limited edition and the TT18 has a Celestion G12H 70th Anniversary limited edition. Don't be fooled by the small size of the TT15, it's stupid loud. I've changed the Orange drop capacitors for Mallory 150s in the TT15 which has improved the tone a little. One day, I'll change out the 4x10 Jensons in the Bassman for something more mellow (but I do love it that they say "Made in Italy!"
  11. Very nice! A picture of her with your Lemans?
  12. docc

    Parts Bike

    All that and a Lisle Impact Tool! Gives your hammer something constructive to do!
  13. You guys have some stunning kit! I'm jazzed!! What's for speakers in the Trevinitones?
  14. docc


    +1 . . . I must have seen them on that same tour in '78 in a "small" arena in St. Pete, FL. I figure they left it with " . . . serious metal fatigue in all the load-bearing members . . . "
  15. Not a receiver, but I've had an Audio Research CA50 integrated amp in active use for about 20 years (currently driving the system in my office). Arguably the best 45 watts you will ever listen to. In this day and age pair it with a decent DAC and good speakers & you'll be in listening nirvana. "DAC?"
  16. I'm seeing a lot of stuff that rings true with my V11! I'm lost between jealous and inspired! @moto fugazzi - we've got a guy that does some back-up vocals with us from time to time. Always pressing him to be cuter, curvier, and "better dressed", we call him "Ken-chita." Could be you, baby!
  17. IS THAT WHAT THOSE PLATES SAID?!! I have a set of those pipes that has the rivets still in but no plates. I guess many owners tore them off and I can see why now. I still wish they were still on though . In a weird way. That IS weird . . .
  18. docc

    V 11 Tenni quest

    Find a last gen LeMans and paint it as a Tenni yourself?
  19. docc


    And parked it over one of my added Bosch horn relays on the right next the the spine frame (thanks danl !):
  20. docc


    Grafted it to the connector from the electric petcock:
  21. docc


    The LED thing did not work out for me, so I tinted an 18v "grain-of-wheat" bulb with blue VHT paint.
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