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Lucky Phil

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Everything posted by Lucky Phil

  1. Yes docc Pete and 68C described it and its methodology nicely and here it is being installed. You end up with a hard packed ultra fine sludge in them that builds up on the outer internal face due to centrifugal forces and if the engine is old enough and esp if its a pre oil filter engine the whole crank gallery can fill up with sludge. I owned a Honda S600 car at one point and the engine in that actually had a dedicated centrifugal filter operated off the cam chain.Same principal. After you install the plug with loctite you also stake it in place just to be sure to be sure. There was 1 particular Ducati engine a few years ago (900 EFI engines from memory) that at one point in time had issues with the plug backing out and rubbing on the cases. Engines started making metal and that was the cause. Ciao
  2. Hey Meinolf any advice on the fuel mapping for the V11/Daytona before the initial start? Is there any fuel maps available that are better than the std V11 map to begine with?


  3. Totally agree Pete. Potato head is all big talk and bravado with asylum seekers and the like with his super portfolio which includes border security and Bio security but when his department overseen by him drops the ball, well its umbrella up and blame everybody else. Too much management and not enough leadership in this country. Everybody wants to be "the man" but nobody wants to accept the responsibility or the consequences. Remember back in the 80's when ministers were falling on their swords for breaches like bringing in an undeclared stuffed bear on an overseas trip. What a joke all these clowns are now. Ciao
  4. Thanks Marty cheaper than MG cycles when you consider the postage costs. I'd love to use something of better quality but the 1/2" outlet is the issue. Having said that I pulled the original electric tap out and removed the solenoid and lo and behold although the barb is 1/2" or 12 mm if you like the actual feed hole is only 5mm. So the only reason for the 12mm barb is to keep the hose a consistent size for the 12mm pump inlet not for flow purposes. There a a number of 8mm or 5/16 outlet taps out there with 16x1mm threads but it would mean machining up a 12mm to 8mm step down adaptor. You could then use std 5/16 or 8mm hose for 90% of the fuel line to the pump which is way more flexible and takes up less room. Things to consider. Ciao
  5. Sandy and Polly have moved to warmer climes but sandy is still at the factory during the week mostly, last time I heard which was around 3 months ago or so. I'm sure he'll still turn out what you want to order. Ciao
  6. Not to my knowledge but I might be wrong. After having both I never considered that may have been the case construction wise. With Ducati carbon cans you can often tell who made them even without markings but in this case they are totally different in every way. The SS mistrals looked great but they were borderline too loud with a sharp element to the sound but they also had an annoying whistling sound on the overrun. The Ago's have a quieter more mellow sound on and off the throttle and I think are also a little lighter. I also prefer the brushed finish to polished. They fit nicely as well which is something you cant say for all cans. Mistral reverse cone cans These came as spares with the bike when I bought it, Madaz I think they were called (someone help me out here). Sounded mellow and fairly quiet but were heavy and looked appauling. Ciao
  7. Well after messing about with different seal size variations and not having a lot of luck in the body sealing I decided to crack check the body with the dye check kit and yep it's cracked. Once I had the location I could see it with the 10x glass. Explains why it wouldnt hold suction in the open position ( I used the time honoured block all the open ports and suck on the one left and seal it with the tongue) but would in the "almost closed" position which is pretty useless to me. The location of the crack was near the closed end. This is a good designed tap let down by I suspect cheap Chinese reproduction. Cant imagine the OEM using non fuel proof seals and the housing cracking. Ciao
  8. I had the Stucchi xover with Mistral Stainless reverse cone muffler combination and the Agostinis with Stucchi slam dunk them for sound. Ciao
  9. Yes the black cans suit the black bikes as well. Mounted with a little less angle would be nicer for mine. Ciao
  10. Yes I think they have the "look" thats suits the V11. They are a little too long for mine and could be a couple of inches shorter which would just mean shortening the secondary pipes ( they are separate) and relocating the spring mounts and making up new mount brackets. I tend to favour the reverse cone style on the V11 and Mistrals are also nice esp the carbon ones, probably better looking in fact. Ciao
  11. After 5 sets of pipes I settled on these, Brushed Stainless Steel Agostini's and Stucchi cross over. Excellent midrange torque and mellow sound. Ciao
  12. Yes carburettor bikes generally die on their side as the float bowl floods the engine but injected still keep running if the pump pickup is still covered. Ciao
  13. Here's my main toolbox as it stands today. I've had this box for around 45 years now and the roller draw that its on I rescued from goodness knows where a lot later than that. Last week I had a major culling down of tools in this box as it was just getting out of hand so its down to the things I use regularly on the bikes and cars and the rest has been distributed to another 3 toolboxes I have. The drawers are for hammers,screw drivers and drifts, pliers, and allan keys with the bottom 2 for random specialised stuff. If you look closely you will see a MD Skyhawk A4G zonal diagram taped to the inside of the lid I put there back in 1978 when I worked on such things. Ciao
  14. Here's one I'll submit only for the reason that it was invented,patented and manufactured by my grandfather back in the 50's I believe. You used to buy them is a box of 10 or so,cant tell as the original box is falling apart. Its not automotive related so I'll give some clues. Think sheep and wool and the shearing shed. Open Closed Ciao
  15. I track the data each day and unfortunately you guys are getting smashed at the moment esp in NY. Fingers crossed for you all over there.One thing I know about Americans is when they unite and set their mind on a goal they get it done. Ciao
  16. Yes AF. No old mechanical unit. The later -7 engines on the 737-800"s went to FADEC ( Full Authority Digital Engine Control) with a fuel metering unit (FMU) You should see the internals of the old FCU or MEC as GE called them. The most complicated mechanical thing you can imagine. Ciao
  17. A key fob of that pedigree should be in a glass case docc:) Ciaoi
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