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Everything posted by felix42o

  1. 18,000 miles and so far no issues on the Tenni. It's possible that the previous owner took care of it, but he didn't say as much so I'd guess it had the right parts from the get go. Have any of the other Tennis had this problem? I'm sure they have, but it's worth asking
  2. Well, I have the FBF carbons and they seem nice enough. Fortunately, the previous owner paid for them, so all I had to do was be happy they were there. The sound is great IMO, but as for a point of comparison, I can't offer much help. What I can say is that the stock crossover quiets things down quite a bit as well, and the Stucchi x-over/pipes combo is a LOT louder than my buddy's all stock setup. I can also say that getting the pipes, crossover, and headers to all fit together and allign with the hangers is a real pain in the ass. Enough to where I'm thinking I can see swapping the FBF's for a quat-d setup. Whatever you end up using, fer chrissakes use Locktite. Lots of it.
  3. Looks great. That's one hell of a nice dyno sheet. What all have you done to get near 90 rwhp and still keep that torque curve so high?
  4. felix42o

    Hot today

    I grew up in the Central Valley of California (Fresno) where it's 105F and up in the summer. And after spending a lot of time in Egypt, the UAE, Bahrain and the likes, and living currently in Nevada, I feel somewhat qualified to say that anything over 100F (38C?) is just friggin hot. It all sucks at that point. It is better than being cold, though. And ice tea needs ice. Lots of it. What it does NOT need (here we go) is sugar. Echh. Oh yeah, I don't much like the beach either. When it's hot, the beach is where I go to remind me that it could be worse. IMO, anyhow.
  5. Yup. This is all very frustrating. Just the other day I was asked to present my MSF card. I will say, however, that at least on my base it wasn't a deal breaker that I didn't have it on me. I said the same basic thing- "Well, I've got an active duty ID, stickers to match and current license and registration. All of which require an MSF card, so..." While down in San Diego last year, I was training at a Marine Base (Camp Pendleton) when I bought my Tenni. Marines are a whole 'nother level of absurdity, as even with the card, and all papers, they didn't want to allow me on base due to some base specific class they wanted me to have in addition. Their only *ahem* suggestion was that I leave my new Guzzi outside the base perimiter. In downtown Oceanside. Fortunately, a short ride down to North Island rewarded me with a security guard who was allowed to think on his own and I was able to get a base sticker from there. I fully agree that a lot of this would go away if an 18 year old with his (or her) first decent paying job weren't able to spend 10 grand on a 180hp crotch rocket, requiring no real qualifications to get the keys. It's not that 70MPH hurts any less on a smaller bike, but the mentality of the rider is bound to be a bit different on a CB350 than a GSXR1000. As far as gear goes, the Navy has pretty much the same requirements. Long sleeves, sturdy boots, gloves, etc. The vest thing is still sort of base to base. For sure at night it's required, but daytime usually calls only for contrasting colors.
  6. FWIW, I also used two good sized o-rings (maybe 1/8th" thick?) in between the grip and throttle cable housing to add friction to the throttle. While it won't hold speed for long periods of time, it definitely adds enough that I can leave it alone and stretch out, get into the tank bag, etc. Between that and the rocker, it's a good compromise, but I'm with jrt on the fact that it's always in the wrong spot. Hence the in-flight adjustments that led to the damn thing falling off. I think I'm going to end up with a vista cruise type setup sooner than later.
  7. I ended up using a piece of nylon bushing ('bout 1' long, 3/8" thick or so) and rubber grommets that fit on the outside to make a sort of flex mount, with a stainless bolt and nut thru the middle to hold the whole taco together. Seems to be holding up fine 10k miles later.
  8. I had a throttle rocker, worked great this weekend from Bend, Oregon to almost Klamath Falls. Then it fell off when I went to adjust it and it blew off the side of a cliff. FWIW, though, I'm buying another tomorrow. Worth every bit of the 12 bucks spent on it.
  9. Only to point out the technicality, most of the SUV's average around 15-17 city/22 hwy. I hate them just the same, but find humor in everyone blaming big oil/government for a problem that's fueled by poeples apparent need for big vehicles. I have plenty of cars, including a thirsty, V8 truck. But I use it for work, and I don't bitch about the gas prices. Really, the automakers have made huge strides in efficiency across the board. Even the V11, as far as bikes go, isn't all that efficient even for it's class.
  10. I basically agree with you here, but the initial problem is going to be, IMO, a sharp rise in use and distribution until the novelty wears off. And the problem there is that you're probably going to have a lot of kids get hooked as a result of the initial legalization who may or may not have otherwise gotten involved. From a pragmatic standpoint, though, the hell with it- in the end, it may be for the best. I've also thought this is a good way to deal with gun control here as well- as who's going to try and rob/rape/cheat anyone if they know going in they may have a weapon? But then, that was the way of things in early America's west, and the problem is that this only works if everyone is basically, well, sane. I've had some ex-girlfriends who in no way should ever have a gun. *shivers at thought* The problem with all of this is human nature has too many variables to make it worht the risk. As a side note, I fully believe that everyone needs, on occasion, to sit down and smoke a little pot. And I'm not getting rid of my guns.
  11. Glad you're back on the road. Now if only mine can hold together on the ride up to Washington and back this next week...
  12. "Seeing as how your gun has 'replica' on the side, and mine says 'Desert Eagle, point five-oh"...
  13. Did you re-hook all the wires back to the battery stack-up? I missed the fuel pump one once or twice, 'cause it's hard to see coming up from the bottom like it does.
  14. 14mm alen key fits nicely...I threw mine away or I'd loan it to ya.
  15. Ahhh...that's what that was for. S%@t. Pretty sure I threw that into a spare parts can somewhere. It was there in the box of parts I got from the previous owner. Oh well. Thanks for the help.
  16. How thick? Maybe an old bicycle inner tube?
  17. Hey, did your Guzzi tool kits come with the allen key that fits the rear wheel axle? I ended up using an old 9/16th" (purdy close to 14mm) bolt w/ two nuts locked together on the end. I couldn't find an allen key that size when I went to the parts stores last night, but then I'm in Fallon. We don't even have a real Sears.
  18. The Guzzi guru in Reno (who also told me to "read the f'ing instructions" ) told me the warning light isn't necessary, so I guess it shouldn't matter. I think my Electrix unit was between 13.7 and 14.1, but as for OEM, it was AFU when I purchased the bike in the first place, so I don't know what it was reading prior to.
  19. Careful here, this is where I started to get into trouble...The wires that the instructions say go to the battery need to go to the battery directly. Somethings goofy wrt the original wiring and the way the Electrix units are designed. In the end I think it was yellows to yellows, red and green to pos and neg respectfully. The white's for the light, which you said you don't care about. That red/black was causing all kinds of trouble. I think it ends up just getting capped off. The fuse idea sounds pretty good though, what can it hurt?
  20. Well, you must be right. There's no bad guys out there but us, eh?? Whatever helps you sleep at night, I guess. S'pose it doesn't make you a bad guy, though. Just don't expect me to buy off on that "we're out to conquer the world" crap, k? Keep the rubber side down.
  21. I just figured this out myself! Most of the time the rattle doesn't bother me, as both my previous bikes (Ducatis) had the same clutch noise, which I attribute to character. But it's nice to have the option.
  22. Well, if you don't see it, you don't see it. Not much I can say about this point of view. Maybe if I could quit spending so much money on keeping the Goose in shape, I could start looking into mailing off my beat-up HJC helmet to some "innocent" country's women. Probably not, though.
  23. Well, at least it's not a one-sided opinion. I guess Israeli women are rocket-proof?
  24. I went with the make a claim/spray it with the harley paint route. Paint worked fine, and looks pretty good. I can notice new vs old, but no else has been able to tell the difference. I think the can was only like $12 bucks at the dealer, and there's more than enough. Just make sure the cases are warm, as per the can. Course, if I didn't have the whole damn thing torn apart already, I was really planning on just ignoring it.
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