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Everything posted by docc

  1. docc

    Oil the intake

    If you still have the stock airbox alot of oil enters the intake system through the crankcase vent. Especially if you run high rpm. Synthetic oil is the most resistant to evaporative loss and may help minimize intake oiling.
  2. Yes, Brian's on to it with this. Good for what ails ya!
  3. What is that , abouit an 18 guage wire to the solenoid?
  4. Maybe it's proper to ask: was the ""vapor lock"" solved prior to the petcock failure? If 'no' then it will be interesting to see how the bike runs with a new petcock . . . Stay tuned. . . .
  5. Gio, And I am still anxious to know how much of the "" vapor lock "" may have been intermittent electrical failure of the petcock? Keep us posted . . .
  6. Sure thing . . . bring your own iron.
  7. As part of the 'spring project' we are looking for the official nomenclature to describe the three springs consistently. Does anyone have a parts reference for the 6-speed which names the springs?
  8. I was eternally grateful that someone at Moto Guzzi had the vision to paint all the pertinent adjusting screws with that thick yellow paint ( is that US only??). It was the only way I could find all the screws that needed to be moved!
  9. KB, No doubt there was a bad batch of '02 springs ( or maybe sabotage ) . yet i'm still quite concerned that the 'indexing spring' looses its funk after a bit leading to some of the vague shifting. The spring upgrade from Thang's efforts id likely to be a very positive thing for all of us in the long run. Tex, I know konrad was getting pretty sucked into work, but I hope he's doing OK and riding that silver sport. What color is yours? ( Brian gets a little nervous when I give suspension advice but I do know about 20 years worth of stuff about 'backs'. Ping me off line. Knowledge is power.).
  10. jim, How many miles on your sport now? Last i heard from Konrad (kTx) in DFW he wasn't having any shifting issues on his early Sport.
  11. This Scura flywheel is different from the other Sports/LM? I thought they were all steel? I remember in those pictures the broken part was rusted along the edge of the break. I assumed that meant it had been cracked for a while. Yet, if rusted it must be iron. Was that a piece of the clutch pressure plate?
  12. More than a few of us have experienced increasing false neutrals, missed shifts and otherwise unreliable shift patterns. Apparently the mystery recall for the sliding sleeves is , at least, partly an explanation. I think we should continue to pool our collective insight. There is a world's foremost expert on the Guzzi 6-speed and it are us.
  13. Yah, true, no breakage but some very funky shift characteristics especially from early bikes . . .
  14. Alright , you experts, tighten me up on this: The scura is '02 only? And the single plate clutch was on Scura, Rosso Mandello ( '01?) and what else? Do we think this clutch has the self-grenading feature?
  15. It cost me 90 euro to ship a swngarm from Germany ( much heavier than a windscreen). Add 20% to convert from US dollars.
  16. Good advice from Roberto on defeating the RH idle screw. And also to be sure your rubbers are not leaking. ( never good ) Be sure to check that the high idle cam on the RH TB is not fouling the linkage. Release it completely to see if the linkage will then come to rest on the LH TB idle screw. The 'high idle' ( or "choke") is most likely acting as the throttle stop.
  17. docc

    Wont start

    David, you know about the relays??
  18. Of the three springs in the mechanism the 'right ' spring, which indexes the gear selection, has a 180* bend so apparently it can be reliably accomplished. Certainly the retention would be improved and there may be a tighter, more consistent engagement ( less slop). I would favor the 180 if there's room for it to hook over the plate. David, what do you think from what you just saw in your box? BTW, springs are on their way to Thang to arrive in CA Dec. 3, UPS. (Oh, and isn't that another nice digitally remastered sketch?)
  19. Just from observing the tire wear on my 28,000 mile sport and the Dunlop 220 on the VFR ( same weight, comparable tire sizes) , the Pilot Road is significantly harder than the BT020 which was a little harder than the Dunlop 205 . The Dunlop 220 is much softer than the 205 it was designed to replace but still nothing like a Pirelli Dragon Corsa or other true sport tire. After the P'road gave way in the right hander ( hey, I only needed that extra traction for just an instant), I've given up on wanting more mileage from a tire. No more elevated tire pressures or hard compounds ( especially on the front). I'd rather replace the tires with the oil than be sourcing parts for months. Oh, and did I say my insurance went up?
  20. Ian, I must say I just took Pilot Roads off my Sport after 2000 miles. After the bike laid down from traction loss I could never trust the hard compound again. I was running 37 psi which you could lower for a better footprint but I'd be nervous. I certainly wouldn't exceed the Guzzi recommended pressure ( 33.5-35.5 front on a sport). Yet, if you get the pressure low enough for a good bite the thing will probably cup like the rest of them. (Pilot Road aka Chosen tire of the Tarmac Rub-Club)
  21. I'm guessing when you buy 25 pounds of shot you can get it in any size you want. Usually that means # (number)6, #8 or#9 (all bird shot, smaller than BBs). The last time I tried to get buckshot the gun shop didn't carry it. It's not used to hunt buck unless you call that rowdy low-down good fer nuthin guy up the holler "Buck."
  22. I figured # = pound but then I couldn't correlate that with the numbers used for either bird or buckshot. I know just enough about it to prove I don't know everything about it. Oh, and hey, on the heated grip options don't forget heated gloves . They are wonderful, keep your whole hand warm and not as bulky.
  23. Thang, I will send my complete set of three springs no later than Tuesday Nov. 25. If you wil please check with the supplier a price on the complete set.
  24. 00 buck is 0.34 inch. #9 shot is 0.080 " and would be more like handling grains of sand ( awkward). Tthe 1/4 " ball I used is the equivalent of no. 4 buck (0.24") or #3 buck ( 0.25"). Jason, I couldn't figure out , what is "25#" shot?
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