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Everything posted by po18guy

  1. I say flush the thread as it is outside the purview of the forum.
  2. NOS. If so, $19.95 USD starting bid plus shipping from Massachusetts. https://www.ebay.com/itm/Moto-Guzzi-flywheel-new/114238191085?ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT&_trksid=p2060353.m1438.l2649
  3. Excessive force has never been taught. Has it been practiced? Of course! Sufficient force to overcome resistance is certainly taught, as it is both sound reasoning and should be common sense. Having said that, homicide is certainly committed by some police officers. Why? We will never know. Some of them were never fit to carry badge and gun. Others might have been under a load of stress, on drugs - prescription or otherwise. Either way, and no matter the cause, intentional homicide should net one a controlled environment for the amount of time that judge or jury decides.
  4. 1. America is not a democracy. It is a constitutional republic. 2. A tragic case of a bad arrest does not condemn an entire nation. 3. Justice will out. 4. FYI: carried badge and gun for 31 years. That is not taught. 5. Turn. The. Media. Off. Unless you enjoy having your thoughts programmed into you. Next critique....
  5. Weasels! It sounds like what they (Piaggio Group lawyers) are saying, in effect, is "Wasn't ours, didn't own it, don't hafta' fix it. Piaggio or Bart Simpson?
  6. At only 750 RPM, that trans input shaft (cam chain and everything else that rotates) is accelerating and decelerating, much more rapidly - with alternating contact surfaces being impacted, with each cylinder firing event. Deep thinker Kevin Cameron at Cycle World writes of this. As I see it, far better to use the (L) idle screw to get that back up to 1050-1100 or so. This "clanking" can be heard from any internal combustion engine once operating RPM falls below design parameters. For now, raising the idle would seem to be the easiest way to quiet the whole mess down.
  7. You can find them on eBay. Silver here, but I believe the man can powdercoat them red for an extra charge. https://www.ebay.com/itm/Moto-Guzzi-Custom-VALVE-COVERS-Big-Blocks-Square-Fin-Heads-1100/131655506299?hash=item1ea747997b:g:4S4AAOSwkZhWTMhH
  8. Staintunes. Fortunately, came with the bike.
  9. No Briggs V-twin? Too heavy or...?
  10. Power is listed as "Adequate."
  11. Who knows, it might fly...
  12. Stylistically a knockout. It all flows very well visually - the fairing striking me first as too low. Totally unrideable. Now, tail down 15cm and fairing up 15cm and we're talking a rideable, distinctive beauty.
  13. And, of my two PayPal debit card choices, the credit union does not also charge a fee, but the commercial bank does. After all, it is "their" money, right? EDIT: Since I in fact had not received any product, it could only be sent to a friend. Should something arrive at my door, even better!
  14. Good to know! Do you suppose the entire unit might swap out"?
  15. Probably '03 and later, as is said. The '04 Ballabio (red, BTW), has the 43mm Marzocchi/Sachs combo, and later discs which are reputedly not as prone to warpage. Not bad and the best suspension/brakes I have ever owned - not saying much there. Öhlins no doubt better and more costly to rebuild. Oh, and the '03 and later have the 17/3.5 and 17/5.5 wheels for perhaps a little more rubber option. I think any of the '03 and later bikes would be just fine and about as trouble-free as MG gets. As Huxley wrote: "You pays your money and you takes your choice."
  16. PayPal sent to "friend" $54.05
  17. In progress! Need funds? I have no trouble sending via PayPal or ??? And time is not an issue.
  18. I am good for one, since my joint flexibility seems to coincide with false neutrals.
  19. Green, being envious of silver...I have that on good authority. But, in the CARC the shaft runs through the swinger, does it not? If so, that in itself is a huge leap. Does it have CV joints too?
  20. Uff da! After 20 chemotherapy and biological drugs over 12 years, I have a T-shirt that says: "I have chemo-brain. What's your excuse?"
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