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Everything posted by docc

  1. Actually, you can just grasp and twist. It should be firm and not rotate.
  2. Thanks, danl. No onboard voltmeter, but also no indication of fluctuating voltages (varying light brightness). I'm trying to figure a way to put a screw into that flinky connection, but it will be at full voltage and I'd hate for it to rub into the frame and throw sparks.
  3. New member is looking for a V11. Did you guys buy them all up?
  4. You have the white face Veglia in your 2001? Issues with the angle drives, especially the one at the gear box often contribute to the jumpy needle. Check to see if the lower drive rotates easily by hand and tighten it to the gearbox.
  5. From the best translation, of the Anima Guzzista interview, to English I can see (using google Chrome): Luciano Marabese: "I started to draw . . . the V11 from Gambalunghino . . ."
  6. So, seriously, replacing your relays affected your cold start issue? Either one (or more relays) had developed internal (coil or contact) problems, and/or the blade connections needed to be reseated. No doubt, relay health is a critical interface in the function of the V11 Guzzi.
  7. docc

    Brand-new Scura

    Here, I thought all the V11 cylinder fins have some kind of "finish." Mine look painted the same as the engine cases. If they were bare (aluminum alloy?), wouldn't they get all chalky and fuzzy quite quickly?
  8. There is VooDoo. And there is Italian VooDoo.
  9. Using an infrared temperature reader, I collected readings from all the fuses and relays. Again, my Relay 3 (regulator/ charging/ 30 amp) is external to the fuse block and has been converted to a "full size" MAXI fuse. Temperatures were read after riding 10 miles then idling for a few minutes. Fuse Fº / Cº 1 / ECU 99 / 37 2 / Fuel Inj/ pump 105 / 40,6 3 / Reg 30 amp 105 / 40,6 4 / Ign switch 99 / 37 5 / Lights,etc 94 / 34,4 6 / City lights etc 96 / 35,6 7 / Turn signals 95 / 35 Relay 1/ Start 93 / 34 2/ Lights etc 125 / 51,7 3/ "neutral" 114 / 45,6 4/ ECU 134 / 56,7 5/ Fuel Injection 161 / 71.7 Seems to me, and I consulted Dr. Venkman on this , if anything were going to overheat, it would be the Fuel Injection Relay. That one is hot enough not to stick to your lips .
  10. All right, so, I collected some *data* . . . but, remember, I'm a bad scientist. Dr. Venkman and I go way back. I don't think I have an overcharging issue (in fact, I love these voltages): 24 hour OCV (Open Current Voltage) 12.88 Ignition on/ low beam 12.21 Cranking the starter 10.80 Idle (~1250 rpm +/-) 13.10 2200 rpm and up 14.20
  11. Pin 86 of Relay 4 (ECU Relay) would be the same as the (Run Switch) feed to Fuse 8. Looks like 87 has a more direct path (through Fuse 1) to the battery. Is that where would you come off of Relay 4 for voltage reference?
  12. Even with my headlights on a separate circuit, my Ducati Energia charges at 14.2 vDC. I have some voltage and temperature data that I'll post later this evening. But, regarding reference voltage, would it be decidedly better to supply a reference wire directly from the battery or some switched source such as the Fuse 8 circuit? I mean, mine seems to be working, but I agree that the factory reference location seems dubious.
  13. Nice one! I couldn't figure out how to get a photo of that cluster-parking arrangement!
  14. Sounds like a good possibility that my once-upon-a-time shiny, sealed grounds and connections have *aged out* and need a fresh round of meticulous attention. I see a tank coming off in my near future . . .
  15. We need to work a lobsterman into your story, buddy.
  16. Thanks, gentlemen! I recently serviced my terminals by loosening them, spraying them with CRG Electronics Cleaner, applying Vaseline then using a heat gun to force the Vaseline to penetrate all the surfaces. @Chuck - Which Caig DeOxit product do you use? (I always get confused by their broad selection of products). @Roy - Is there a possibility that the external charging has been a "wild card" of sorts?
  17. I have added all the recommended grounds, as well as a few others. I am sure it is time to go through them all and clean /service their connections. Something tells me the Tank Off Maintenance Checklist is going to get some updates! Marty, can you explain this further to me (I'm not sure what you mean by "above.": "If the regulator ground is above battery ground, . . ."
  18. Haha - some guy screeched his truck to a stop and hollered at us (yeah, they do that up here), "I've heard of motorcycle gangs, but I've never seen a Moto Guzzi Gang!" He got out of his truck and hung out with us for a while. Honestly, it was quite surprising how much (good) attention that many Moto Guzzi attract.
  19. That's noble, man! i thought I had your alibi covered . ..
  20. While I thought I had this "melting/scorched"30 amp fuse issue solved by improving connections/ contact, this obviously is not so. The question of applying external charging current has come up. Josh suggested monitoring fuse temperature during external charging. I have a vague recollection of reading a recommendation to isolate the charging circuit (pull the 30 amp fuse) during external charging. I have never done so and will have to try and find that reference. Perhaps the too-common melted 30 amp fuse issue is from applying chargers?
  21. Factory 30 amp fuse is an "ATC" in the factory fuse block, position 3 from the front. (I added the MAXI fuse after trouble with melting the smaller fuses.) Agreed that the common wisdom is that heat = poor connection. But, sheesh, I really thought I had this addressed with the MAXI fuse installation (much bigger connection blades). I am suspicious of using an external charger. I will endeavor to remove the 30 amp charging fuse during external charging and report back in eight years . . .
  22. If only JRD would have made it . . . Word has it, it was so cold in the North Georgia mountains that when he stuck his tongue to the frosty clip-ons, he couldn't reach the shifter to get into gear and head our way . . .
  23. Yet, at this point, the holder will also be trashed. While the bike's charging system is reliable, I wonder if it relates to the way I charge the battery (EnerSys Ultimizer designed for the Hawker Odyssey). I remember reading somewhere in all that research about maybe removing this fuse during external charging (?) Is the regulator also vulnerable to external charging input?
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