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Everything posted by docc

  1. So (thanks, again, Hubert!), I've had a jolly time listening to the translations. Not just Italian (OMG - THAT is how you pronounce "Abarth??!), but also some Portugese ("Estoril" - the blau color of my ///M roadster). I got pretty excited to listen to some of the places on the Isle of Man TT circuit since I'm pretty sure I haven't a clue how to pronounce "Creg-ny-Baa" or "Ballaugh Bridge." But there is no "Manx" in the language selection. Google Translate appears entirely stumped by Gælic.
  2. Link with the link linked: http://www.airtech-streamlining.com/index.html Although, I don't think the little wife would let me take delivery of the full Yamaha YZF conversion. What with the heels and all.
  3. True that the Japanese manuals are much more detailed often with detailed diagrams in each section with torque references. Also that the Japanese likely don't drink as much wine as the Italians. Especially between, say, lunch and the end of the work day. I'm not sure if there is a correlation there . . .
  4. Why can't the lights stay in the center and the new SpeedHut clocks go in the buckets?
  5. Kiwi Roy gives us the best of the best electrical!
  6. An alternative would be to have your seat reshaped to fit you better overall. Certainly a more involved option than the custom "bail' but might give you a better sense of control with the bike at a stop. Mom used to say, "It's no disgrace to be short, but it's mighty unhandy."
  7. I've seen people replace the bail ("side stand lever") with one of their own making bent from flat aluminum plate. You could extend it and shape it anyway you pleased, even angling it back a bit. Every time I ride with Josh on his Sport 1100, I marvel that he operates his side stand by hand!
  8. Most likely pinch point is in the tail cowl where the wiring passes through the mud guard to reach the tail light.
  9. For a couple Russian stouts to last til fall around motowfo and I, the equinox would have to be tomorrow!
  10. My Sport, at 86,000 miles, continue to make the usual racket, but lately it seems to rattle MUCH more just sitting at idle. I usually have earplugs in, but resetting the idle the other day, the noise got even my attention. What would change in the clutch over the use that would make it rattle more?
  11. waspp - thanks for the road report! I guess there has been a lot of rain this summer and that tends to bring the hillsides down. Very kind, your offer of assistance. Let's hope nobody's shift springs get wind of it and gives them any ideas! Looking forward to seeing that Rosso Corsa!
  12. Another hour slaving over a hot V11: The air bypass screws were not making the difference I expected and the left less than the right as I changed them observing idle speed. I remember cleaning them before and removed them for a look: What one looks like clean: I also sprayed some carb cleaner up into the throttle body through the bypass circuit until black gunk quit running out. Better now! YMMV!
  13. I got thinking about Hubert's (luhbo) post on setting the idle (he has that effect on people!) It occurs to me that the throttle plates should still be in range or not very much over (4.66-5.24 mV). Leon, I suppose you could recheck that very easily. I recall we set yours at 5.25. I suppose I'll back-probe my ECU and see where mine has ended up. Like Hubert, once I got my Sport running well, I try not to mess with it and just ride. (30 minutes later after the back probing failed and probing the connector at the TPS: 448 mV. looks like the camel's nose is under the tent now )
  14. There's a recurring theme here: The Back-to-the-Pub Ride Good craic, indeed!
  15. And the beginnings, what was that like? "I'm drinkin' the next thing that goes bad in that bucket!"
  16. Oh, man - it's all good! Getting ready to ride off to the Appalachians for the Ninth South'n Spine Raid with nothing more to do than a clean and polish (don't wanna bring a ratted-out old dog-eared spine-frame to keep such nice company!) Really, I think I just kept filling the rear drive by "volume" and never realized how much gear oil (especially RedLine ShockProof HEAVYWEIGHT) stays clinging to all those surfaces. I over filled, then every thing that could go wrong: did. Moral of the (long, drawn out, aggravating, expensive) story: don't over fill!
  17. Done on the bike, or removed? I didn't know aluminum could be "magnafluxed." I thought there had to be iron . . .
  18. One month out! This year- The Proper Use of Ethanol for Moto Guzzi . . . and a selection of some of the best roads and best folks in Tennessee/North Carolina !
  19. So, how about a few pics; a little ride report, 5 or 6 Guzzis? What?
  20. One of the neatest options threaded here on V11Lemans.com: SpeedHut Speedo requires a sending unit in place of the angle drive. There have been a couple alternatives that are reported to work. Clocks Change Out thread post referencing the combo guage
  21. Hubert, Good call on checking the electrical connections. They looked good on my Sport, but sprayed some silicone grease there as well. I remember gstallons being emphatic about not using petroleum around braking systems, so I used Sil-Glyde Brake Lubricant and silicone spray lubricant in the lower boot. Added this procedure to the "Wheels Off Maintenance Checklist!"
  22. Haven't looked in there for a while. Ew: nasty. Piston returns ok, but time for a clean up and some silicone lubricant. Thanks for heads-up!
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