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guzziart last won the day on November 17 2023

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  • Location
    Geauga County in Northeast Ohio
  • My bike(s)
    '71 Honda CB350, '72 MG Eldorado, '72 Honda CL350, '87 MG Lemans SE, '91 Honda CT70, '08 Honda Goldwing

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  1. Hey Rox, Good luck with your sale. I've had mine up for 6 weeks now with no real interest. I'm kinda thinking about letting the ad run out and repost next Spring. The few I've seen on FB & BaT didn't sell but I think the asking price was in excess of $7k. Art
  2. My original equipment sensor was close to an interference fit in the bore due to swelling. I recall measuring it and found the o.d along its length varied. Probably one of the reasons I replaced it eventually. And, of course, idk if the replacement sensor is marginally in spec, I got it from one of our popular MG parts suppliers, so who knows. In either case I recall both sensors having a slight texture to their surface, not good for something that seals by way of an oring imo. Yeah, I'd really be bummed if I had to pull the cam chain housing apart to drive out a broken sensor, I oughtta quit complaining while I'm ahead.
  3. Very nice! Maybe post a hot link to cycletrader ad. Art
  4. My IMHO, that timing sensor is wrong for the application. It wouldn't surprise me if it turned out that the sensor was never designed for use in "wet" applications. I fiddled trying to seal the original with a new oring, the specified oring, two small orings, several types of sealers, jb weld, etc. I finally gave up, installed a new sensor, specified oring and some gasket sealer....still not happy with the results. However, every other stupid minute leak, weep or seep I had on the bike was resolved to my satisfaction. Yeah, as mentioned in another post here, the sensor does "swell", I don't know if it is from the engine heat, synthetic oil, i don't know. Other v11's I've seen have the leak, seep, weep, there too. Maybe there are a combination of issues there..wrong sensor for the application, oring size/material, sensor bore/counter bore incorrectly machined into the block or specs are out of tolerance or wrong. Who knows??!! OK, now I'm venting....apparently. Anyway, thanks for listening, there are far worse things that can afflict our v11's, have a nice day! Art
  5. Yeah, I marked up my relays, fuses, etc. after seeing yours Doc but mine aren't as elegant.
  6. I oughta print this diagnostic rundown and carry it on the bike and leave a copy in the shop manual.
  7. Harpers I ain't had very good luck lately with fleabay new/used stuff for sale but what do I know. That stand bracket looks to be cast aluminum, bends one way but not so easily back the other way without breaking is a ferrous material. Definitely possible to straighten with heat I guess. I like the idea of checking securement hardware at oil change/annual checklist item or possibly using locktite (medium) or lock washers. Good luck.
  8. https://cleveland.craigslist.org/mcy/d/chagrin-falls-2003-moto-guzzi-v11-lemans/7770624423.html Yeah, it's time for me to let someone else enjoy this awesome machine. Art 8/24/24 Update: Now in the hands of it's next caretaker!
  9. Yep. I used the 2375 for the short run to the reservoir. I use the F4040A as fuel supply on my carbureted bikes since it is fuel rated and fuel is gravity fed to the carbs. However, the F4040A does not like heat so I end up replacing the lines every few years....discoloration is the first sign of impending failure. Also, I buy this stuff at McMaster-Carr, they have an awesome on-line catalog, reasonable prices and super quick shipping. They're local to me, I place an order and can pick it up within an hour. As for bleeding hydraulics I've always used a vacuum bleeder....Mity Vac hand pump, home made vac out of a one gallon pickle jar (it'll suck cold gear oil too!) but more recently I bought this https://www.harborfreight.com/brake-fluid-bleeder-92924.html It was inexpensive and works good. I believe gravity bleeding works well too, I just don't have the patience for it because I feel it is a little more time consuming. As for flushing out debris that may be in the circuit, I change fluid every 2-4 years and don't give debris much thought. On old bkes I've acquired where there is shmutz in the rez, I wipe it out and hope for the best with a couple flushes, my '87 LMIVSE was in bad shape, it was obvious a master cylinder overhaul was the solution. Art
  10. FWIW, I replaced my plug wires about 4 years ago with NGK CR5 plug wires during a tank-off because one of the oe wire boots had obvious damage. I now see that the cr5's have been discontinued.
  11. I had both leak... first it was the cam timing sensor so I replaced it after numerous attempts with new orings, JB weld the top & cable coming from it, etc. The other leak was the cam chain cover on the right side of engine. For the cam chain cover gasket, I went with "genuine" guzzi composite. The other gaskets I had bought (aftermarket composite & paper) were not cut imo properly...gasket bolt holes did not line up with bolt holes in the cover without distorting the gasket. Yeah, I know MG doesn't make their own gaskets...just saying the MG offering lays flat & all the holes line up as they should...no distortion. Also, I think I read somewhere that while the original was paper, it was superceded to a composite around 2005. Anyway, the MG composite gasket went on dry, no sealer, no leaks. Art
  12. Fwiw, the 35mm negatives have worked great for me over the years but I've not yet tried it on inverted forks. And, the film thing didn't work on my Wing last Fall so I bit the bullet and bought a Seal Doctor at RevZilla. The Seal Doctor worked great! It was hard to believe how much crap the Seal Doctor pulled out over and above what the 35mm film had removed. While I do my best to routinely make sure my fork tubs are clean and free of bug goo & dirt, the newest bike I have now is in excess of 16 years old so if I do experience a fork leak that film or Seal Dr can't resolve, I really can't complain. Also, FWIW, check this guy out....
  13. I copied Chuck's method so I wouldn't have to dig deeper into my wallet for the stuff that shows up better on the dipstick.
  14. Thanks for that one! I wondered why those graphics but I understand now. Art
  15. I think I'd be happy to get $6k for my '03 Lemans with 13k miles on it and it has a working odometer. Any takers??!!
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