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Everything posted by swooshdave

  1. swooshdave

    Tank bag

    Considering they still make Triumphs I think it’ll be fine.
  2. swooshdave

    Tank bag

    No need to call them. All the research was done for you.
  3. Are you going to get one just to hang on the wall?
  4. swooshdave

    Tank bag

    I was looking at a bag that attaches to the fuel cap area. It might put the bag too far to the rear. A standard Triumph fuel cap mount will work. https://www.revzilla.com/motorcycle/givi-st602-sport-t-tanklock-4l-tank-bag?gclsrc=aw.ds&&gclid=Cj0KCQjwrfvsBRD7ARIsAKuDvMMogUtrE_1d2352nnaDgspTTRKAaeChPJrq9GlBvoVE-Nc1yL0SWJcaAualEALw_wcB
  5. Shoot. Much easy getting it back out. Just ride it up the stairs!
  6. First V11 Sport sighting. Greenie no less. In the back of a truck. [emoji51] Spotted a Lemans outside Ace Corner. Picture later. So two. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  7. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  8. I know it’s a vintage event but every kind of bike shows up. I think I’ve only seen one V11 Sport ever. They were only asking $65k for this Vincent Black Shadow. Luckily I can only take out $200 at a time from the ATM. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  9. Ok, that's it for the Guzzis Pre-unit Triumph engine only. Don't care if it's a wide or slimline Featherbed frame. I should stop there before I get carried away.
  10. The only difference is the fairing.
  11. http://www.mgcycle.com/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=170_174&products_id=34 http://www.mgcycle.com/index.php?main_page=product_info&products_id=33
  12. Awesome is a little generous. Serviceable is more like it.
  13. If you watch my video you'll see what you need to do for the side stand. Short answer is you loosen the side stand brackets and there's enough play to get it to go right back together.
  14. I thought the rear main seal was tricky on these bikes? Also I don't think it should have failed so early. Interesting.
  15. The short verses long frame thing is just something for people to ponder on the internet. In real life the early frames are docile. For that price you can go wrong.
  16. I think my 3D printer cost less than $300 several years ago. If you know what you are doing (which I didn't) you can do some pretty good stuff. There is also metal printers that would work for that application too.
  17. For the Oregon AAA you have to get the Plus level which includes motorcycles. $108 year. I don’t use it a lot but when I do... With vintage bikes in the stable you have to have some backup plan.
  18. I have no problem stepping out of the way and letting the pros work. I was just the instigator and wanted to see the plates being offered again. My job is done. Now everyone just needs to order some plates! Well, soon. Thanks again to Pete for letting us continue his work! And to Chuck and Pressureangle for making it happen!
  19. How far are you going? When I brought mine home it was about 800 miles. I had to pack light and I overpacked the tools. In reality I only needed enough tools to mount the phone mount. Does the bike have its toolkit? If it does you don’t really need much more. One good relay as a spare is all you need. And AAA. This time of year packing the right clothes is way more important than tools.
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