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Everything posted by Chuck

  1. Drop the sump, helicoil (or time sert, etc.) and forget it. Nothin to it..
  2. Marginal Science? I think I saw them once. I think they opened for Crowded House. Relays will be packed and hopefully not needed. I still need to thin out my tool pack, I"m going 600 miles, not 6000! Forecast is looking favorable. If I stay in Ashland Friday night I can cut over to the coast (from Sutherlin into Reedsport, if you're following along on a map). There's a huge elk preserve just outside of Reedsport. Then up the coast on Saturday. We'll see. You must be in a hurry. The 5 sucks.
  3. When I picked up Darth Quota, he was still running the original junk Siemans relays at about 65000 miles. This relay thing might be a little over blown.
  4. When traffic is bad, I lane split the carpool lane. I don't go as fast as some, though, so keep a watchful eye on my mirrors for bikes coming up behind me. Lane splitting is a wonderful thing..
  5. ^^^^^ good one, docc. That's probably all that's needed.
  6. I've had it mentioned to me a couple of times lately.. Tomorrow is *not* guaranteed.
  7. I've made entirely too many of those the last couple of years, but yes.. face the west and wish him blue skies and tailwinds. Old pilots never die, they just fly west..
  8. To stay at relatively legal speeds, I'm not accelerating in the straights. Any squid can do that.. Running about 55-65, and taking the corner without slowing down unless it's *really* a 30 mph corner, not just marked 30. As soon as you flick it into the corner, just relax, and add throttle all the way through the corner. Simple. That keeps the machine stable, and as long as you don't mess with it in this condition, it will stay in that angle of bank forever. Todd Egan taught me this several years ago. He said the trick to going fast is not to slow down. (!) I was doing everything wrong. After all I'm from the midwest and never had a chance to practice.. but I was charging into corners, getting on the brakes too hard and upsetting the chassis. He said to get about 15 feet behind him and "don't touch the brakes.. you won't need them.. just stay the same distance from me." It was a real eye opener. We proceeded to go faster on canyon roads than I'd ever gone in my life. After I learned to relax pressure on the bars and let the motorcycle do it's thing.. it *wants* to be stable, after all.. I could ride in the canyons all day and not be tired. When I first started going out there, I'd be worn out after an hour or so. Understand what I'm trying to say? I am *not* saying trail braking is of no value at all, just that for the speeds I ride.. I seldom use the brakes. Just flick it into the corner, keep weight off the bars, and add throttle all the way through the corner. If that means that I'm over the speed limit coming out, yes.. I slow down on the straights. We're *not* racing, after all.
  9. Chuck

    Ram Mount.

    I have visions of vibration breaking that sucker. There's too long of a moment arm.
  10. The Kid and I are going to do our own (mini) southern Spine raid. After the Q and bourbon we're heading south and east into the Carolinas for a few days with the Mighty Scura and his 96 Spot if all goes as loosely planned.
  11. That's a beauty..
  12. Agreed, there are a lot of Tonti people at WG. I can't imagine that there is any rocket science involved, though, but I've never had a Jackal fork apart.
  13. Never believe what you read on the internet. He spelled my name wrong, and it is over 50 years. I don't brake into the apex. Why? Because the speed limit is 55 in most canyon roads. I try not to break the speed limit by much. I normally come out of the corner accelerating (of course) and slow down on the straights. Flick it into the next corner, and add throttle all the way through the corner. It's fun, and keeps the pace at (mostly) legal speeds.
  14. From a guy that sez sleep's for the weak. You'd just need to suck it up and continue on..
  15. Chuck

    Ram Mount.

    Oh, I see what you did now. I'm a little slow..
  16. Chuck

    Ram Mount.

    Uhhh, I don't think you'll find what you want to find once you pop that little plastic cover off. From memory (always dangerous with me) the hex is for the jam nut that locks the steering head bearing adjustment. I don't remember any way to mount a ram mount on it..
  17. An Ohlins V11 is surprisingly capable..
  18. If Unkept sez so, I'd be awfully careful saying it's not so.. He's pretty good at searchin.
  19. I fooled with the Centauro for 2 years before I was happy with driveability. It definitely had more top end power with the stock crossover, but gave away everywhere else.
  20. Uhhh, how much gas is in the tank? I *love* the Lario, but they are hard to sell. A guy near me tried to sell his pristine Lario for $2500 for years without a nibble. I don't know what it eventually sold for. It takes a dedicated enthusiast to want one. The one I have showed signs of having blown up twice when I got it at 18000 miles. Because of this, heads are very difficult to find. They not only dropped (mostly) exhaust valves, they also wiped cam lobes. I *wanted* the one I bought, and gave $1700 for it as a runner, but it had already had the mandatory rear drive mod and valve mod done. It wiped a cam lobe 5000 miles later. I really enjoyed fooling with the 4 valve engine, but when an Aero engine became available, it became a no brainer to go for it. More power *and* reliability. So, what's it worth?? Whatever someone will pay. If yours is a stock original that needs completely gone through, I'll throw a dart and say a thousand. Your best bet would probably be to float it out on Ebay and see.
  21. Harper's shows the Billy Bob/Coppa fairing. Can that be made to work? I've never really considered it..
  22. I bet I could take off the seat fairing and lay my 30L Kriega back there... Hmmm... Yep, that's the way I camp with the Mighty Scura. Tent, sleeping bag, etc. tied to my 3Kg Guzzi rack and rear seat.
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