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Everything posted by footgoose

  1. The exhaust clip? No sorry, the clip-on handlebar
  2. the clip on can be bent back. mine was the same. take it off, strip it bare and put in a vise. use an iron pipe to GENTLY pull it back. take your time, it can be damaged. mine went back fine and fast.
  3. ah photos! I can see the clutch fluid needs changed. On the exhaust, from what I can see, try loosening the clamps on the muffler/ crossover and the muffler hanger and tap the can rearward with a rubber mallet. *****yeah, check that ... it won't slide back on the hanger bracket. I was thinking it had strap hangers like mine. What docc said... and see if the rear footpeg/hanger bracket is bent.
  4. Don't those same pieces mount the coils and the ECU? the ecu mounts at MGC is p/n 9221315. the instrument 'silent block' is 93222023. they look the same in photos. might be different in length or thread. the body panel fasteners are 93231605 or 1606
  5. Ha! See, I learned two new things already! thanks
  6. Yup, I had to replace a silent block too. I Just replaced them all. Something about that Italian rubber. Solids, tubing, hoses, boots, etc, seem to dry rot. The silent block replacements, at least the ones from MGcycle, are aftermarket and seem to be better quality. Those little rubber expanding nuts that hold the fairing sides needed replacement on mine as well. I got some from MGC and some oem's from Harpers. Yeah get some pics up when you get a chance.
  7. Ok. Do you know how I can get one? I did't find it in any online stores. You may not need it. You will most likely want it. Read this thread and learn about it. Info on how to get one is in there too. They are a very good deal right now. http://www.v11lemans.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=19423
  8. Interesting JRD. I always wondered what effects were at play with a front end that has damping on one fork and rebound on the other.
  9. Sometimes I wonder how I got to the point I am now, of doing things the way I do them. Doing plug replacement today, I wondered out of nowhere,(too much coffee) am I doing this the best way? Removal is always the same. Feel for any hang ups on the way out, noting that they were indeed, seated. Inspect for damage and proper coloration. Gauge the new ones. I use a flat gauge as opposed to wire, and it only has .027" and .028" for choices. Our spec is .7mm which lands somewhere between them. I have always gone with 'err on the large size.' I go with 28 I hit them on something till they are very tight on the gauge, then use it to bend it till it just slips in and out, but snug. I dab just a bit of silver anti seize on the threads and replace. I think I have a good sense of "torque" without using a torque wrench (they scare me with plugs) and go slightly past the 'crush' of the washer. I use the recommended NGK BPR6ES and get them at the auto parts store. Anything I can learn after all these years?
  10. I did not realize you could do that. I used thin washers to shim mine up just a hair.
  11. To what end docc? This is new subject matter to me. using the halfway point between the axles, and just eyeballing it, it seems the front would weigh more. I dunno, just me. Looks 60/40 front.
  12. that's not good. get into that airbox and check for mouse condos.
  13. there's also a trick on here somewhere for freeing up the rivets on your brake rotors. corrosion from non-use will seize those and may give you a "bent" or, out of balance feel when braking. Really easy, I'll look for it.
  14. welcome. Yes++ to all above. I see you are in MN. After sitting, all those fluids will contain moisture from condensation. I would also remove the gas tank, drain and rinse. While doing that you can see if the tank has suffered any "stretch", a common nuisance caused by the nylon tank reacting to alcohol in gasoline. The tank will seem too long to line up with the rear bolt hole. Not to worry. Also while off, make sure the under tank insulation is not hanging loose, and go ahead and look over docc's "tank off maintenance" http://www.v11lemans.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=18195&do=findComment&comment=203204-this will cover necessary basics.(read his last post first) You'll be listening to Goose music in no time.
  15. I have done the shift pawl arm and spring in my 2 '02s. My selector cogs didn't have the three point cover plate holding them in as yours does. Just the cir clips. I don't recall the adjuster in there either. I think mine is external. The rest looks the same. I wish I'd read this before my job, I would have cleaned it up a bit more. Maybe next time (winter) thanks Phil.
  16. Very interesting read johnk. how about an update? what is your conclusion after a few years? I will have a very close look at my shafts after reading that.
  17. I certainly hope she's ok. On another note... girls and bikes... very nice. Girls that can ride like that... priceless.
  18. many here use photobucket but this forum won't accept mine (fromPB) shot on my phone, but will accept from PB if I shot on my Cannon. go fig. I have also been successful about half the time using copy paste, if it's small enough. sounds like you've done as much as you can do for now. good luck with it. thanks for the info. inquiring minds ya know....
  19. Were you able to disengage the clutch or did the wheel not lock up? Thankfully it went without catastrophe. Was anything leaking after? I will follow with interest. It seems an unusual failure.
  20. what's the red wire for docc?
  21. the axle bolt tightened puts everything where it belongs so it's first. the pinch bolts keep it there.
  22. very nice work. I love the logo. I can't wait to see the new Goose project!
  23. hope that fixed it. when tracking a problem and blowing fuses, I think one of these comes in handy. auto reset fuse (breaker) I didn't buy this one... went to auto zone. http://www.delcity.net/store/Maxi-Fuse-Breakers/p_152.h_187700.t_1.r_IF1003?mkwid=sIDeGB8L5&crid=38094426869&mp_kw=&mp_mt=&gclid=Cj0KEQjw2ua8BRDeusOkl5qth4QBEiQA8BpQcFbVhyD5KdX_f3d2AikNATPwHG_2iTrcJ-M-1rS-DtIaAoml8P8HAQ
  24. wow, I wonder what a Greenie would look like as a LM???? Beautiful bike LPhil.
  25. dang docc... sorry I lost track of that. research back on. pm soon
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