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  1. Today
  2. Just saw MartyNZ’s post of the WW2 bird in NZ, which reminded me: for anyone heading to the MGNOC at John day this year, at John Day you’re about 140 miles from Madras, where the owner of our company keeps his collection of warbirds. It’s truly worth seeing if you’re an enthusiast and have the time. Ericksoncollection.com. Is the website (for some reason the link won’t paste, so i just typed it) for anyone making the journey and not from around here (meaning, interested in tips on what to do out that direction), i could recommend a scenic riding route or two out toward Madras, and a fantastic steak house in Bend (50 mins south of Madras).
  3. In fairness, a trade for a ktm 390 adventure (etc) would be a seismic shift. You gotta love your greenie… they deserve and need the love 😎
  4. @po18guy We can't really use this forum as a tribune for opinions, but I take the Insulin as an example of what is wrong today. I will just say that in 2024, the average cost of Insulin in the USA is about 100 USD, which makes it the most expensive in the world. In Europe, for the same Insulin, you pay about 9 USD. I know I am going to sound lame, I understand that pharmaceutical companies exist because they make profits. But I was born in the land of Pasteur, whose work was mainly driven by trying to do good. I am sure he would be called a "woke" today. As I have been working in many different countries around the world, I got to try and compare many medical services and compare the cost of drugs. For example, in Africa, drugs are also sold piecemeal by street vendors. So those who have no money can purchase one tablet of a medicine, without any certainty of origin. Lots of counterfeit medicine there. When I was working there, you had locals asking you if you could bring them products so they could resell them to survive. Ranging from newspapers that you used to get for free in the planes, to clothes, hygiene products and whatever in between. Back to the V11 Le Mans patches....
  5. To shepherd a drug from concept through a 20% chance of final approval, it costs drug companies 5+ years and 2-5 billion dollars. Without investors, we would have only about 25% of the drugs we have now. IOW, I would be long gone. Necassary evil or double-edged sword? Or both? Fortunately, yesterday I signed up for an insurance plan that will cut me down to $3K/year out of pocket. A $175,000 SAVINGS!
  6. Yesterday
  7. All patches have been dispatched, minus Randy, for whom I am still waiting for an address. The three overseas shipping takes 6 to 10 days according to USPS. Also, as strange as it may seem, the tracking is restricted to US IPs, and only till the shipment is on US soil. At present, Tomchri's package has flown from Chicago. I am monitoring progress on NZ and Germany.
  8. No idea. He hasn't been around in three weeks, from what I see. I asked him a question about his bike on the 11th. He was last here on the 12th so I assume he saw my question. But he may have also seen the debate pick up about the octane and bailed. Or maybe he is just busy..... I certainly hope he is on the path towards a happy Guzzi.
  9. Strange post. I'm sure he's a good guy, in fact I believe I've met him online years ago. He states what a great bike this is, but just not riding any longer, wants it to go to a good home. Then he goes on to explain in detail all the other bikes he hopes to acquire.
  10. "Cool" passes from one generation to the next. I don't think the Stones or the Beatles will ever go out of style like Frank or Elvis, at least not in my lifetime. I think those bands were not only revolutionary but had enough self awareness and genuine quality that transcends style. They've had a hell of run, from the '64 and still going. Not perhaps at the very top anymore but still near the top of their game. The remaining Dead are able to reassemble and have relied upon a family of musicians and dedicated following.
  11. It's not cheap either.... 130K or around that.... At this kind of price point, red is not the problem.
  12. It works this morning.... The seller took pictures in the razing light, which makes the Greenie yellowish....
  13. It's bad when AARP starts handling ticket sales instead of Ticketmaster ! + you are looking for a Senior Citizen's discount .
  14. @p6x I see it just fine. Are your parental controls turned on? That green is obscene. Maybe it has to do with FB? On it or not on it? Not sure...
  15. On that sorry note, it is just out of this world that one needs to settle this kind of bill on health principle... I have had a taste of many medical systems worldwide, and made a hard landing when I needed a small emergency surgery; I was admitted late afternoon, released the following morning, with an invoice for 130,000 USD to settle. I could not believe it. I thought there was one zero too many, but no! This is not human dimension!
  16. PayPal address? Bike trip w/cash? Have been distracted as of late, wrangling to get health insurance to help pay for a $178,000/year drug that keeps me alive.
  17. Last week
  18. You could be totally correct on the congestion and fees But I tend to take a more nuanced view 😏
  19. The Allen head bolt in purple is the one you want lubricated well . When I did my rigging , I got a l.h. threaded rod end and a stud that had l.h. and r.h. threads so I could adjust the shift lever height. A great improvement. I think I got this stuff from Midwest Controls ?
  20. Job done. As close to the picture as possible. Cheers Tom.
  21. Yes, I think Hackney is the best Stones record since Tattoo You, although Stripped is really good but it's all legacy stuff. This record isn't in the category of the current big hits. I'm guessing the Stones fans are too old and the music isn't relating to the younger folk. But the music business is changed. The band rocks, they're really solid group, the songs are some gems. So for as what shows and where I'll go this year is a real question mark. At least I can say I've seen the Stones a few time. The last time in 10k seat indoor arena with a 2nd stage and walkway. Mick looked my in the eye every time he turned left, I was his visual stage mark. They played "Moonlight Mile", the only tour they ever played so far as I know. Did they open with Honky Tonk or Start Me Up? or?
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