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  1. Past hour
  2. Docc, Great idea and am going to do it on my Ballabio next, rather than waiting for it to start showing fluid, same for Ducati 916.
  3. Today
  4. I received the Skwal I3 today, and I have not yet ridden with it. I tested the three lighting options; I am most likely not going to use the front lights, still or flashing. Reason is the lights bounce on the fairings of the Le Mans, which makes it a distraction. My father would have said those lights look like a brothel' sign... Tomorrow, I will take it out for a spin, to check loudness.
  5. These outcomes make me ponder that "fork seal cleaning" should be a routine maintenance procedure. Perhaps "yearly" or with every oil change . . .
  6. Used the Seal Mate on my 2012 Stelvio today. It has about 32,000 miles on it. It started weeping a slight but visible film on both tubes a few days ago. Surprised how much debris came out. Cleaned them, pumped forks a few times, cleaned again ( a little more came out second cleaning), pumped them, cleaned all up. Took it for about 80 mile ride, with no sign of any seeping. I suggest this is worth trying if the seals are not too old and hard ( like the ones I changed out on my 49 year old Norton). Phillip
  7. Listening to a music program this evening, I had to turn it off. The artist's music was not bad, but the program, and the artist's "bent", was driven by their agenda and social message. I get it that artists can be motivated this way. Yet, I can walk by their painting (music) with a shrug, seeking art more moving and uplifting . . .
  8. I so wanted to post a pic of my "favourite pair of shorts ", but there is not enough room for the patch on them and she didn't want me to post the pic anyway . . .
  9. My Quota is still awaiting its initial inspection and I don't know if I am going to get it in time to do the John Day excursion. I am not going to ride the V11 that is certain. It is next on the list of those awaiting Davey's care, but I don't take anything for granted. His current patient sprung a leak during its first test, and unfortunately, to get to it, requires a major dismantle.
  10. #603 is for sale right below it. Nice bike
  11. Thanks for confirming that "air gap" is the "proper way." We must just be certain to "prime" the cartridges full of oil before using the air gap method.
  12. When I took the fork tubes off the bike and drained the oil, I drained each tube into a separate graduated vessel to see if both quantities were equal. It turns out they were...600ml in each tube. Perfect I thought, both equal. I never knew how much fluid leaked for the previous owner but the telltale signs were there on the bottom of one fork tube. I used a Sealmate on it when I got it home and that pretty much stopped it, but still wanted to change the seals and dust caps because they were over ten years old, and Stelvios have a history of leaky seals. So going by volume, I guess not too much was lost. After replacing seals I filled up the forks with 600 ml of new oil. Where it wound up as far as level down from the cap I have no clue. The guys at the shop said that was wrong. For a Stelvio the oil level needs to be 120mm down from the top of the tube with the spring out, fork bled and bottomed out. You can't go by volume. That proper air gap is an essential part of the suspension working properly. So when I get the bleed tool I will uncap the forks, remove springs, spill some oil out and proceed to bleed air, then measure and fill as necessary. As I said before, this is my first time doing this, so I learned some new stuff in the last day or two.
  13. On the plus side, the number of women spreading their arms...and legs...in order to be in 4 states at once was...entertaining.
  14. @Guzzi-in-Vancouver interesting post. (Or anyone else for that matter) feel free to dm me. Always happy to chat off-forum.
  15. Yesterday
  16. The "proper way to check the fluid level" . . .
  17. Morning temperature where I live: 87 degreesF! 30.5 DegC. I went to Austin last week-end; temperature outside 97 degF! 36 DegC. That's measured temperature only. If you take into account the heat index, you are easily into triple. We are getting there....
  18. What else do you want to know? I can't move further on this until I get that bleeder. Now if I was @Lucky Phil, I would just make one. Easy peasy for him. Should have it in a few days. Unfortunately, not everybody moves as quickly as Amazon.
  19. Mate, you have got a hold of the wrong end of the stick. There is no policy of "population replacement". What there is, is lots of countries where the people are having a really hard time, harder than we can imagine, and a few countries (i.e. where we live) where life is good. Any wonder people are trying to get from the bad places to the good places. If you can't see that, you need to get out more.
  20. High on the endangered list, unfortunately. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Great_Barrier_Reef#Environmental_threats
  21. Yes, my Le Mans has a number of issues, but I have grown to be quite fond of it.
  22. With this procedure you should be able to locate the "slip".
  23. I doubt it. Red Bull sponsors sportspersons and events to advertise Red Bull. Full stop. They're not likely to be interested in carrying a motorcycle manufacturer along for the ride.
  24. As expected; Ducati would have been foolish to not onboard MM93 instead of Martin. Whatever happens to the 2024 Championship, Marquez is certain to bring a lot of publicity to the brand. Now, Martin better win the 2024 title, because he may not get another opportunity. I am not certain Aprilia is going to provide enough consistency to give him the weapons to fight with the Ducati. The next question is, will Marquez be able to keep his Red Bull sponsorship in the Ducati factory team? Bastianini is rumored to replace Acosta in the Gas Gas Tech3 team. The biggest question mark is now Pramac. They have lost their top pilot, and will not get Marquez either. Will this be enough to tip the balance towards Yamaha? If Pramac goes Yamaha, then VR46 or Gresini may get a Factory bike each?
  25. The cable turns without load. Add a load, ie speedo and it slips. Simple. Phil
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