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  1. Past hour
  2. What was it like before you replaced the seals? Did you notice. The cart may have failed internally before you pulled it apart and you hadn't noticed. Failing that remove the cap and spring and manually pump the cartridge. Phil
  3. Today
  4. Being constantly on podium and only winning one race is how A Rins won a championship on his Suzuki. 🤔 Marc is on a mission to show everyone he’s still got it. i hope Marc wins next too, but Jorge Martin is extremely fast. This makes for great racing drama, television ratings for MotoGP have to be up this year.
  5. I just finished replacing fork seals on my 2012 NTX. The first one I pumped up and down after putting cap on...I felt it equalize the oil and after a few pumps, it felt like I think it should. You can feel the oil doing its thing. After completing the other one I compressed it to move the oil around, and I have no hydraulic feel, just spring. Pumped a few more times and still felt the same pogo effect, with zero hydraulic feel. And yes, same amount of oil in the leg. What did I do wrong?
  6. I don't want to jinx it...but am hoping that Marquez gets it, now that he's starting so much farther up in position, he doesn't have to try to go from 13/14 to 2nd...perhaps he can ride a clean race and win. Mugello is a fast track...360 km/h top speed...just madness...but oh so thrilling to watch!
  7. Having grown up in California and lived there for half my life, and felt several big earthquakes including the 1989 Loma Prieta one (living in Palo Alto then), I do prefer the "advance warning" of a hurricane vs. the suddenness of an earthquake. Now having been thru quite a few hurricanes (Rita, Ike, Harvey and some major tropical storms here as well) it's certainly preferable to an earthquake. Houston normally just doesn't have tornados, having to get above Dallas and into Oklahoma/Kansas areas to have that as a regular risk. Who knows anymore with the warming, this could be a treacherous year of hurricanes too given the rising gulf ocean waters. I've seen the last few days of amazingly large hail in towns a few hours north (tennis ball sized) that looks like it could just pulverize you on the motorcycle...smashing windshields on cars very easily. Summer may be too hot to ride again for a month or so as it was last summer...regularly hitting 115F heat index values for almost 30 days straight... On the plus side, the insurance company has been exceptionally fast in authorizing the repayment of expenses, after shelling out the deductible...so that's good...no fighting with them at least.
  8. I'm going to have to figure out where to post photos etc. I don't know how well documented this trip will be, it's a 'ride' not a destination. Anchorage is the idea for the turn-around, but a lot depends on mileage and time. I do have a camera on the Sena talky, if I can learn how to use it...of course there will be pics when we stop. I suppose I can simply make a shared folder in Google photos and do the narrative here.
  9. It may be worth considering . The fact thumper said it started this problem immediately , is to be considered too . There has to be deliberate diagnosis and making sure you have checked and rechecked everything .
  10. My Godfather took a trip to Alaska is a camera bug that loves to waste film on a trip . Not this time , every turn , crest , horizon , EVERY picture was the most beautiful scene I had ever seen until I looked at the next pic. I can't remember the farthest point north but he took a picture there proving his quest and conquest was finished . He then returned taking pics just as beautiful of his return to Barlow . If at all possible , I would like to follow this voyage and see these sights.
  11. Ok thanks for letting us know. Looks like a few things to replace to bring it up to scratch. What part of the casing is cracked? Phil
  12. Looking like you need to give her a good lookover and some maintenance. 20 year old bike... But by the look of that air filter, she's had a neglected life. I doubt it'll take much to get her up to snuff.
  13. Yesterday
  14. Thanks for those, I have subscribed to all. However, they are all only covid-vaccine related, and they all seem to think the vaccine harms were an oversight or an unacknowledged mistake. But when you consider that the replacement of ICE with EV (which won't even work in the absence of nuclear power) can be dismissed as an unacknowledged mistake, and start looking for other such oversights and unexpected bad-turns, there seem to be a lot of unacknowledged mistakes to be found nowadays! I am actually hoping to understand what's going on with the society & economy, and especially the changes that are happening, particularly in Australia, and why (e.g.) immigration has been drastically increased. I don't buy the surface-logic «explanation» that 'fake degree seekers want citizenship' (although they do), and nor do I think all the rich kids getting their money from the casino and driving recklessly in fancy cars are doing it «just because» as they could be doing it elsewhere instead. I want to understand why that is, why the money is flooding in and can't be stopped, when I, personally, have a devil of a time transferring piddly amounts for perfectly legitimate purposes (like buying motorcycles, haha). I want to understand why there seems to be a policy of deliberate population replacement in various G-7 countries such as Ireland, Canada, the US, Netherlands, Germany (thanks Merkel!), Sweden & possibly Australia. I don't buy the low-birthrate argument either, because the societal disorder that has resulted was clearly not a necessary feature and there are many immigrant communities that are not violent. I don't believe we have just stumbled onto this juncture in history, unplanned & frazzled, I think we were led here and I want to understand why. Bearing in mind that paranoia (on my part) is a perfectly easy explanation, I am too dumb to allow for that explanation to suffice either. One isn't paranoid when they are actually out to get you. And one shouldn't be dismissed as a conspiracy-nut when there is an actual conspiracy! So! I realize I may be opening a can of worms, but I'm all outta cans of beer, and apologies to those that might be offended. PS the closest I have found for Australia is Matt Barrie (Great Australian Scream talk) and for Europe it's Ayaan Ali on her restoration blog (she blames the Russians as far as I can tell). I am looking for more material like that, and I prefer explanation over alarmism (so Eva Vlaardingerbroek for example seems to lack the explanation part, though she did indicate that the farmer's problems were part of the larger ongoing societal upheavals). PS2 now that I see where the thread started, we are way off-topic, so perhaps I should've started a new topic altogether.
  15. Well , the bars are still there , it's the people that are missing .
  16. Hmm I added a jpeg2000 file and it's not showing in the preview, so here's a lower-quality version instead.
  17. @Lucky Phil thank you for asking, I hadn't realized it had been left unsaid, and sorry for the late reply. Yes, the left-hand side throttle body (or is it boot?) had come off, and that was the primary issue. In trying to re-seat it I ended up messing up the screws with the yellow paint, and then the throttle bodies also had to be re-synced. Then all sorts of other issues came to light. For fun, I made a little collage if anyone wants to have a go at diagnosing what was discovered! V11 collage issues.jpg
  18. I think a lot of people these days are very self- absorbed and lost in their digital world (s).... Exception being us bike nuts,we seem to be able to talk to each other without any dramas.I've even found that it's (the bike) a good conversation starter with some er normal people too!
  19. There are certain songs close enough to the heart that I do not listen to them. 'Mad World' is one, and a couple other Moby makes.
  20. Bruh. The first time someone said "Wait! Paul McCartney was in a band before Wings??" was 1985. You're late to the party.
  21. This world in my hand dissolves when riding thru the bush in the hills to the syncopated beat - pulling into a no reception pub my pint filled hand soon becomes more than the sum of its parts In reality it’s a lovely break… from the matrix! My Guzzi rides are my grounding Cheers 🍺
  22. Uhh, yeah. Titanium is another thing entirely to cut.
  23. Oh man, rode the V85tt again this week, and has me thinking how sweet it would be to take it to John Day instead of Red. Oh man, i hope Red can’t read, and see what I’m thinking…. I mean with AI, and other black magic, who knows… don’t want a jealous Italian beauty having it out for me for leaving her behind. anyway, all that cargo space, windscreen, sweet suspension, and range, sure would be nice for that run. Though bringing Red to such a gathering seems most fitting for other reasons. may be a game-time decision, whether to strap on the soft bags, pack real light, and head out on Red, or play it lazy and sweet and just flop onto the V85 and go. oh, and thanks again to P6x for the V11 patch(s)! Thinking what I’d wear in the heat of John Day to sport that nifty patch, but it’ll be t-shirts and shorts I’m thinking down there in late june.
  24. For what it’s worth, i ride alaska every year, except during covid. Love it. Mosquitoes are a bigger problem than bears. Not joking. DEET, and/or one of those head net deals can important, though why they are thick a times and at other times not an issue at all, is not something i understand. Wind/breeze helps a lot, so being out of the trees when you camp CAN be helpful, depending on the situation. bear talk for alaska is like a motor oil thread… so with that in mind I’ll just note my own personal input: bear spray - yes. Gun, no, for the reason u noted, which is Canadian customs & law. And northern canada is where u want to be… fantastic. Be cautious with food, but an old friend who still lives up there and camps a lot each year always just ties his food in an REI type waterproof bag, attaches a line through it, and slings it up over a tree branch so its suspended in the air, away from tent. Best idea? I don’t know, it’s just what i’ve always done, and has worked fine for me. I’ll see bears every time i ride up there, but they’re always trying to run away from me, and I’m always trying to cautiously gape at them as sightseer. I just assure i have an exit path on the bike, and all’s well, with the deal being me just trying to be smooth enough to not scare them away. Being on foot and getting between mom and cubs, that extraordianary circumstance of note, well thats something to just avoid, like riding through thunderstorms (mostly avoidable if we’re careful, but not always when we’re enjoying the scenery and not paying attention :->) Note that a lot of the northern canada campgrounds are really great. I avoid US campgrounds, as i don’t want the noise of other people, or RV’s, or just other people at all (I’m a Scrooge that way). But those northern canada campgrounds are often deserted, yet well kept. And they’ll have the metal/concrete storage containers, which are basically garbage containers that seal, so you can leave food there while you camp (on the honor system, if others are around). Bear proof. And if the food is in that waterproof/sealed bag, I’ll even use the back of a fully enclosed garbage container (in the metal enclosure, not actually in the garbage bin) to stow the food at a campground that doesn’t have the bear container dealio’s. Sounds gross, but if that sealed garbage area isn’t filthy/gross and your food is in the sealed sack, it’s an easy stowage place. Judge that as you choose… and you can map-search for those campgrounds, since they are identifiable places on a map, versus just hoping to find something like a US forest service land access road that might lead you to a legal and quiet place to camp down here. For the satellite device, lots of info/options as u know, but the inReach or similar devices work really great now, and are cheap to buy and cheap to use for text, and when necessary to make a call. I haven’t used the call feature, but the text feature is used by some of my friends in AK quite regularly. Monthly charges aren’t that bad, with choice for either year round (cheaper monthly) or just seasonal (practical, but higher monthly charge), and usually includes lots of texts in the package. I have my old inReach i pack along, but friends have newer devices that apparently are simpler to use, pair to your smartphone via an app which makes it all work pretty easy. With a GSA you’ll not have any issues with fuel, but I’d generally not pass up the chance to top off and stretch your legs even when u think u may not need to. Peel off to visit Atlin if you can, up sort-of near Carcross, and the top of the route to Skagway. It’s one way in/out for Atlin, but only about an hour (from memory…. Double check that) each way, and a fun place to spend the night. Pretty, and interesting history. Couple of hotels on the lake there which are not “bush”, and probably overpriced, but nice break between camping nights. Route down to Skagway, White pass, is fantastic. Top 10 type of road. In fact, if i was designing the route, 100% that I’d visit Atlin, then go back up to the “main road” and then shoot down White pass to Skagway (lots and lots of tourists, but still neat to see), then take the fairly short but very enjoyable ferry ride over to Haines, then ride back up to Haines Junction from there to continue the journey into AK. Probably spend the night in Haines, which is less crowded than skagway, but fewer hotels at Haines, so not always feasible. (I lived there for a short while a long, long time ago). The hotel halsingland is worn out and not very well maintained, and not cheap, but it’s a great piece of history with great views, and an interesting/likeable owner. The ride back up to Haines junction is a true hidden gem of a ride. Climbs in elevation, so be ready for possibly cold windy condition, but in june probably all fine. Discovery Yukon lodgings up north in the Kluane area is where I’ve stopped many times. Little cabins on a grass airstrip, with a bunch of old WW2 stuff laying around. You can get a home cooked meal there and some mediocre Canadian wine, if you arrange it in advance. I think you can camp there as well, in their nice grassy areas, for a fee. Note that all these places, and the alaska ferry, are usually pretty full this time of year, so arranging things in advance is pretty important. Anyway, I’ve carried on too long… didn’t mean to ramble. If any of that is of interest, i may be able to fill in more detail where desired.
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